Join the LRAA Board!


Every year we must replace board members who rotate off the board or who have moved out of the community. This year we have 2 open seats to fill in May 2025. If you love the Lost River Airport Community and want to contribute to seeing it thrive, this is your chance!

If elected you would fulfill a 3-year term, attending board meetings on the third Sunday of every month, from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. You would help decide and execute policy regarding our roads, water systems, garbage service, and legal obligations as a HOA. Meetings are held over the phone so it is not necessary to be a full time resident to be on the LRAA board.

Being a board member is a great way to get to know your community and make sure it is running smoothly. If you are interested or if you would like to recommend someone, please contact the LRAA Business Manager at

Thank you!